Merapi eruption on October 26, 2010 (ihsan Kompas)..
2 hot news ini malam ialah Merapi akhirnya meletup setelah pakar gunung berapi naikkan status nya dari SIAGA kepada AWAS...that's new for us coz we dont have any volcano to be claasified like that...so, take it as a new knowledge..
Mbah Marjan, juru kunci Merapi yg masa tahun 2006 tak pindah masa ia meletop...tahun ni pon xpindah tapi wartawan xdapat wawancara sgt...n i heard the latest news, 10 dead including one reporter on their way or at Mbah Marjan's house...but there is no news on Mbah..hope he will be fine..

Pagai Selatan island on the map...the capital of district is Tua Pejat in Sipora island..
Second, it was a big earthquake jolted Mentawai island (consists of 4 big islands-Siberut, Pagai Utara, Pagai Selatan, n Sipora)on West Sumatra..this one captured my attention coz whatever earthquake happens in Mentawai islands, it surely affects Padang where my auntie n family is staying...u know what, scientists from the west have predicted that major or mega tsunami will surely hit Padang if an earthquake more than 8.0 occurs...so, my mind is not settling when i heard any news West Sumatra hit by an earthquake..
this time around, BMG had issued a warning of tsunami but they lifted just an hour after that...yeah, i do think they only issue warning to the costal cities along the west of Sumatra big island...when there is no significant changes to the wave level, they simply lifted it...
Unfortunately, we have to focus which island is the most closest to the epicentre..in Aceh 9.3 on 2004, it was Simuelue island but they barely survived coz thay were so used to the earthquake n know what is the pre-tsunami warning...
now, Pagai Selatan island was majorly hit by tsunami...it was 2 m high n swept away some villages...we never heard the word tsunami after Aceh 2004, but this time, the quake is just 10 km deep from sea level....it is too close n 7.2 is quite a major one..

Mount Marapi in Bukit tinggi, West Sumatra (ihsan google, Marapi is Merapi in Minang)
Indonesia again having serious calamities, one volcano in Yogya erupted n one remote island in Sumbar was hit by tsunami....i sincerely concern about all this news...not only it happened in our neighbour, but to the greate extent, any disaster happening there could seriously injured my relatives....yes, they all living in West Sumatra, they had all enough with big quake....while Merapi in Yogya could anger all hot ashes out, my village is just too close with an ACTIVE volcano called MARAPI...see, they are sharing the same names....
May Allah save us from this natural disaster...Amin...